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KT board billboard customization

High quality plate, personalized customization, widely used

  KT board is composed of Polystyrene particles PS (Polystyrene, abbreviation) after foam generating board core, after the surface effect of pressing and become a new type of material, the plate body crisp, light, non-perishable, easy processing, and can be directly on the plate silk screen printing (screen printing plate), paint (adaptive) need to detect paint, framed by the back glue pictures and plastics, Widely used in advertising display and promotion, aircraft model, architectural decoration, culture and art and packaging, etc. In the advertising aspect of the use of one is used for product publicity information release of the exhibition, display and notice with the mounting board, the other is a large number of applications in screen printing, especially suitable for a large range of unified advertising activities. Size: from 0.9m to 1.2m wide, usually 2.4m long.


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