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Invitation letter production

Professional customized invitation, free typesetting, low price, fast delivery, quality assurance!

  At present, our company has 6 sets of Japanese original high-precision Epson S80680 outdoor photo machine and 3 sets of large-format high-precision digital printing machine Durst Rho P10 320R; Muto VJ-1638 outdoor photo machine 10, HP D5800 photo machine 20, can produce high-definition artwork reproduction, all kinds of body stickers, outdoor car stickers, high-light photo paper, light box pieces, photo cloth, treasure cloth and other materials of large-scale printing. At the same time, our company currently has the German original imported folio CD102 offset printing machine and Heidelberg sm-74-5L five-color uv printing machine.

南郑县| 永州市| 寿宁县| 台中市| 太康县| 固镇县| 深水埗区| 田阳县| 南木林县| 汶上县| 金塔县| 历史| 长兴县| 济源市| 江安县| 德阳市| 柯坪县| 巴塘县| 同心县| 皋兰县| 日土县| 保靖县| 汝州市| 正镶白旗| 抚顺市| 宕昌县| 卓资县| 和田市| 闵行区| 青铜峡市| 石门县| 怀安县| 贺州市| 泸定县| 达日县| 阿巴嘎旗| 依安县| 恩平市| 通渭县| 北碚区| 增城市| http://www.34f9.com http://www.avbt6.com http://www.91000cq.com http://www.cqqggg.com http://www.pkudr.com http://www.km2600.com