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Freezer sticker production

All kinds of freezers are customized, directly supplied by the factory!

         At present, our company has 6 sets of Japanese original high-precision Epson S80680 outdoor photo machine and 3 sets of large-format high-precision digital printing machine Durst Rho P10 320R; Muto VJ-1638 outdoor photo machine 10, HP D5800 photo machine 20, can produce high-definition artwork reproduction, all kinds of body stickers, outdoor car stickers, high-light photo paper, light box pieces, photo cloth, treasure cloth and other materials of large-scale printing. At the same time, our company currently has the German original imported folio CD102 offset printing machine and Heidelberg sm-74-5L five-color uv printing machine.


西安市| 徐闻县| 九江县| 义马市| 云龙县| 宁化县| 安顺市| 尚义县| 台前县| 道孚县| 阿克| 清涧县| 昭苏县| 安国市| 竹北市| 越西县| 洪湖市| 三门峡市| 靖江市| 高雄市| 鄂尔多斯市| 余姚市| 沙雅县| 井研县| 大石桥市| 毕节市| 图片| 独山县| 河间市| 雅安市| 定远县| 精河县| 张家口市| 肥城市| 东丽区| 汽车| 南漳县| 合川市| 如东县| 阿荣旗| 土默特左旗| http://www.czc56.com http://www.henca8.com http://www.2558cn.com http://www.konqp.com http://www.sxzqfx.com http://www.xhkcy.com