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Automobile front windscreen transparent paste custom

Car window sticker production, durable and no marks

  The material of car stickers is mainly PVC outdoor special adhesive stickers that can adapt to outdoor conditions. It requires more wear resistance and UV resistance than ordinary advertising grade materials. Although the material and color are not as rich as the fabric of clothing, there are also many choices such as ordinary, luminous, metal reflective, laser reflective, metal wire drawing and so on. Car stickers are everywhere on the car, on both sides of the body, hood, lamp eyebrow, skirt, wheel hub, as long as reasonable creation within the scope of the current regulations, can fully deduce the owner's personality and hobbies. Car stickers are not the patent of young people. People of all ages can find fun in car stickers as long as they love car culture and life. Car stickers must withstand the wind and sun, car stickers must have waterproof, sunscreen, should not fade and tear without glue and other durability functions, so today's car stickers choose self-adhesive as the best, the color and material of self-adhesive are made by special technology, which has the highest color durability when leaving the factory. And other car stickers production methods such as printing, printing, photo, screen printing process is the use of color ink printing or screen on the bottom film, with the current means of science and technology, no pigment ink can withstand the outdoor wind and sun for a long time.


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