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Dining Roll Up Dispaly Banner

Light and portable, easy to transport, carry, storage

  Yi Labao or poster rack, display rack, advertising industry is also known as easy to pull rack, easy to pull, easy to pull roll, etc., is the establishment of propaganda posters. It is commonly used in crowded street passageways to assist self-employed roadshows or temporary booths. The main material is plastic or aluminum alloy, and the poster material is pictorial paper, with two sizes of 0.8m*2m and 0.6m*1.6m. The alternatives are street banners, flags, posters, stickers, etc.

  The structure of Yi Labao is a scroll on the ground. From the ground up is a telescopic column with a buckle on the top. When used, the scroll pulls out an upright poster to attract the attention of passers-by. Yi Labao is suitable for conferences, exhibitions, sales promotion and other occasions, is the most frequently used, also one of the most common portable exhibition tools.


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