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Custom X poster display rack

A vivid tool to promote sales.

  X frame is a kind of display articles with X - shaped bracket on the back used for advertising. X exhibition rack - A sharp tool for terminal promotion and promotion, exhibition rack is also known as product display rack, promotion rack, portable exhibition rack and information rack, etc. X exhibition frame is based on the characteristics of the product, design and match the product promotion exhibition frame, coupled with creative LOGO signs, so that the product eye-catching display in front of the public, so as to increase the advertising role of the product.

西昌市| 纳雍县| 息烽县| 泰兴市| 景谷| 七台河市| 独山县| 东丽区| 望江县| 南漳县| 昌江| 德江县| 印江| 宜君县| 奉节县| 开远市| 成武县| 增城市| 罗江县| 澎湖县| 买车| 玉龙| 茂名市| 西丰县| 新野县| 伊宁市| 太仓市| 化州市| 萨迦县| 二连浩特市| 石狮市| 台北市| 旌德县| 延安市| 车险| 台南县| 洛隆县| 桐梓县| 宣威市| 通城县| 昭通市| http://www.s52s.com http://www.t1313.com http://www.8u31.com http://www.jwcmc.com http://www.bdzqc.com http://www.gzlxjp.com