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Custom X poster display rack

A vivid tool to promote sales.

  X frame is a kind of display articles with X - shaped bracket on the back used for advertising. X exhibition rack - A sharp tool for terminal promotion and promotion, exhibition rack is also known as product display rack, promotion rack, portable exhibition rack and information rack, etc. X exhibition frame is based on the characteristics of the product, design and match the product promotion exhibition frame, coupled with creative LOGO signs, so that the product eye-catching display in front of the public, so as to increase the advertising role of the product.

仁化县| 抚州市| 哈巴河县| 抚宁县| 水富县| 新田县| 金乡县| 中阳县| 茌平县| 平罗县| 威远县| 枣阳市| 珠海市| 峨眉山市| 华池县| 敦化市| 临颍县| 平度市| 鹤峰县| 依兰县| 汉沽区| 云南省| 托克逊县| 成武县| 阿图什市| 社旗县| 威信县| 邵武市| 丰镇市| 普定县| 东丽区| 绥芬河市| 体育| 尤溪县| 娱乐| 孟州市| 墨脱县| 聂荣县| 巴南区| 敖汉旗| 伊吾县| http://www.cmtpn.com http://www.jldkyy.com http://www.shgohi.com http://www.69vh.com http://www.y1225.com http://www.77ppm.com