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White Horse advertising cooperation case


MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMS

    Cooperation period: 2007 - present

      As early as 2007, our company established a solid cooperative relationship with white Horse advertising company, so far has cooperated for up to 15 years, mainly responsible for its bus shelter advertising inkjet printing business, the two sides in the cooperation development, there are still a lot of cooperation.

微山县| 孙吴县| 姚安县| 井研县| 绥棱县| 察哈| 疏附县| 金坛市| 金沙县| 密云县| 永和县| 明光市| 宝应县| 扶余县| 龙井市| 涟源市| 乌鲁木齐市| 米泉市| 宁津县| 方正县| 德昌县| 漳州市| 邮箱| 京山县| 博野县| 大埔县| 五峰| 开平市| 梁河县| 政和县| 广宁县| 泾阳县| 秦皇岛市| 宿松县| 大田县| 霍山县| 马尔康县| 花莲市| 新竹县| 凉山| 布尔津县| http://www.xd521.com http://www.cmwjj.com http://www.580sem.com http://www.kzcs78.com http://www.wxxyss.com http://www.w3668.com